Bizcon Speaker

TOPIC: Built To Sell
David Mullings
David Mullings
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Blue Mahoe Holdings
David Mullings

David Mullings is a distinguished figure in Caribbean investment, serving as Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Blue Mahoe Holdings Inc., which provides US retail investors access to diverse investment opportunities across the Caribbean. He serves on the boards of the Institute of Caribbean Studies in Washington, D.C., the University of Miami Alumni Board of Directors, the Latin American and Caribbean Initiatives Advisory Board at Miami Herbert Business School, the Caribbean School of Data at Mona School of Business, Kingston Creative and was the Chairman of the Development Bank of Jamaica Mentorship Innovation Entrepreneurship Programme (MIEP) and Young Entrepreneurs Association of Jamaica. His leadership spans investment, entrepreneurship, mentorship, and innovation.

What To Expect
Built To Sell

Creating a business that can thrive without you

Presenttion Time
2 PM - 3 PM

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